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WordPress Basics

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I have a WordPress website, now what? So you have a WordPress website, it has been launched so people can find you or your business, and now you are wondering what you should do? The answer is, LOTS!!! But here are a few of the top things you need to ensure you are doing to […]

Facebook – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

the internet doodles

Facebook: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Facebook, and other social media sites, have pretty much taken over our lives, and influences us dramatically. Whether this is in a good or bad way, everyone has their own opinion.  Personally, I believe that the majority of the time, the good overcomes the bad. Being able […]

The Future of Social Media

Woman with coffee

Who can predict the future of social media? Social Media is extremely popular across a wide range of demographics with users sharing photographs, thoughts and feelings, and simply socialising online with friends and family. Over the last few years, social media has grown in popularity immensely. We have seen the launch of numerous social media […]

The World of emojis!

info desk girl emoji

Who doesn’t love emojis! Due to the ever popular form of instant conversation through text or a messenger app of some kind, we have been introduced to the world of emoji’s! If you really think about it, it’s like we have gone back to when hieroglyphics were all the rage in Egypt. But rather than […]

What is Spam?


What is spam and why is there so much of it? The definition of SPAM: noun Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the internet, typically to large numbers of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware etc. verb Send the same message indiscriminately to a large number of internet users. Types of Spam […]

Benefits of YouTube

old Youtube logo

How can YouTube benefit you and your business? YouTube is one of the top 5 most visited websites on the internet. One billion people visit YouTube and watch videos every month. This is a social media platform that is growing in popularity for businesses, as more businesses take advantage of the benefits YouTube has to […]

Have you heard of Kik?

Kik logo with question marks

Kik is a handy instant messaging application for smart phones. However, it is POSSIBLY utilized by “bad” person to harm and cyber bully your kids. Just beware of it!! What does Kik do?  Kik Messenger is a free ‘private’ messaging application available on smart phones that is targeted towards younger users, but is used by all ages. […]

If you or anyone you know is being Cyber-Bullied …

No Cyber Bully - Forerunner Computer Systems Adelaide

Say NO to Cyberbullying  Have you heard about Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is using information technology to repeatedly harm or harass other people in a deliberate manner. Cyberbullying nowadays occurs more frequently among the  Internet users around the world, especially among teenage users. With the expanding use of cyber technologies, cyberbullying could be perpetrated through various forms or methods, involving […]

Internet Safety – Top Tips to share with your family

internet safety tips

The Internet is an amazing resource, but sometimes this could also be hazardous to us. Here are some tips on how to minimize the risk when surfing the Internet. The Carly Ryan Foundation is a non profit charity created to promote Internet safety. We support families and the community through education, counselling, engagement, promotion and political advocacy. […]