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SEM & SEO – What’s the difference?

seo sem puzzle pieces out of a box

If you have a website, you probably have heard of terms like SEM and SEO and may be wondering what the difference is, as they both sound alike! So, what are they? Firstly, SEM is Search Engine Marketing Search Engine Marketing is a form of paid marketing which website owners utilise to increase their website […]

Sourcing, Editing, Resizing & Cropping Images

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If you are one of our many digital media clients using WordPress and are wishing to update or edit your website images but don’t know where to start with sourcing images, resizing and cropping them we have some handy tips for you. First of all, you might be wondering where you can source your images. […]

10 Ways to Promote your Business Online

promote business online

These days, there are several ways to promote your business online. Here, we look into some of the most popular ways of advertising your business, in order to drive traffic and increase revenue. Before you start sending traffic your way, we can’t stress enough about how important it is to have a fresh, sophisticated and […]

Top 5 Website Mistakes

top 5 website mistakes

What are 5 top mistakes made when launching a website? These days, with billions of domain names registered, with a large majority directing to websites, it’s largely important that your online presence is as good as it can be. Here, we look into the top 5 mistakes made when launching a website. Mistake #1 – […]

An insight into WordPress

cms content management system - Forerunner Computer Systems Adelaide

Chances are, if you have looked into content management systems, you’ve heard of WordPress. According to WordPress, it powers 27% of the internet, which makes it the most popular content management system around. So, what is WordPress all about? WordPress is an open-source content management system used to power websites. It hides behind websites allowing […]

What is a blog and why should I have one?

blogging - woman thinking

Originating in the late 1990’s, a blog is a diary-style entry posted online to inform readers of latest feelings or thoughts on particular subjects. Most commonly, you will find that a blog is built into a website, with posts appearing in reverse chronological order, showing newest articles up the top. Other times, individuals who choose […]

What should every website have?

web design mindmap - Forerunner Computer Systems Adelaide

When it comes to building a website, a lot of people wonder what needs to be considered when having a website built. Since we have been building websites for years, we thought we would tell you what every website should have and what needs to be well thought out. The first thing you will need […]

Why is content important to your website?

website content

A lot of the time when a business opts for a new website, they conduct a lot of research about the design and features they want on the website, however, more often than not, content is forgotten about until the development stage of the website, hence the reason why some websites take longer than usual […]

Choosing a Brand or Domain Name

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Where do you start when choosing a brand or domain name?  Here are a few things to think about when you are looking at creating a new brand or domain name. Whether it is for business or a hobby, there are a lot of factors you should consider before committing to a name. Initial Thoughts – […]

Benefits of YouTube

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How can YouTube benefit you and your business? YouTube is one of the top 5 most visited websites on the internet. One billion people visit YouTube and watch videos every month. This is a social media platform that is growing in popularity for businesses, as more businesses take advantage of the benefits YouTube has to […]