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Keeping your website updated

Websites play an important role in the marketing of businesses, organisations, and community groups. A website establishes an online presence, builds credibility, enables marketing and promotion, provides valuable information, and extends your audience reach; the more people you reach, the more exposure and impact you will have.

The frequency of updating your website depends on several factors, including the nature of your website, its purpose, and the content you provide. While there isn’t a set rule for how often you should update your website, here are some general considerations you should think about:

Current & Fresh: Regularly updating your website with new content can help keep it fresh and engaging for your visitors. This is particularly important for blogs, news sites, and other content-driven platforms where it is extremely important that presented content is current and up to date. Consider creating a schedule for publishing new content – this could include weekly or monthly updates, to provide your audience with current and fresh information.

Relevance: If your website features time-sensitive information or content that becomes outdated quickly, it’s essential to update it accordingly. This could include product listings, event details, pricing information, or any content that may change over time. It is important to regularly review and update this information to ensure your website visitors receive accurate and relevant information.

Design and Functionality: Website updates may also be required to improve the experience of your website visitors or simply to incorporate new design trends. If your website lacks functionality, or simply features an outdated design, regular updates can help enhance the overall visual appeal, usability, and performance of your website.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Search engines prefer websites that feature current and fresh content. Regular updates, including adding new pages, blog posts, adding additional content or updating existing content, can have a positive impact on how you rank with search engines. Think about incorporating an SEO strategy that includes periodic updates to improve your website’s visibility and therefore increasing your audience reach.

Security and Maintenance: Keeping your website up to date from a security standpoint is vital. Regularly updating your website’s software, plugins, themes, and other components helps protect your website from vulnerabilities and potential hacking attempts. It is important to regularly review and implement security updates and perform regular maintenance tasks to ensure your website remains safe and secure for your site visitors.

User Engagement: It is essential to engage with your website visitors in order to build relationships and foster a sense of community. Regularly updating your website with interactive elements, such as polls, quizzes, or discussion forums, can encourage user participation and increase engagement. There is nothing wrong with a brochure-style website which is information only, but adding elements for visitors to interact with, can be very beneficial.

The frequency of website updates will depend on your specific goals, available resources, and the requirements of your audience. It is therefore important to find the right balance that suits your website’s purpose to ensure it remains relevant, secure, and appealing to visitors over an extended period; think about the short and long term. If you set up and maintain your website well, it can be a very powerful tool.

Engage in a conversation with the Digital Media Team at Forerunner to discuss the development of a new website or enhancing your existing one. Take proactive steps toward enhancing your online presence and extending your audience reach.

If you need assistance with your website, or have any queries, please contact us by calling (08) 8269 5260 or email webmaster@forerunner.com.au