A Review – The Fossil Q Wander Watch

Fossil Q Wander Watch

In the process of looking for a smartwatch to integrate with my Android phone, I came across the Fossil Q Wander. I thought the design of this watch looked absolutely stunning that I had to buy it! The one I purchased features a stainless-steel Fossil watch band, with the potential to change watch bands easily. […]

What AntiVirus is recommended at Forerunner?

antivirus protection - Forerunner Computer Systems Adelaide

Nowadays, with so many viruses and threats making their way into computers, it’s often difficult trying to work out what antivirus will give you the best protection. There are many antivirus scanners on the market from the reputable ones offered for free online, to the programs you pay for. So, where do you start with […]

What is VoIP and how can it be beneficial to you?

VoIP Phone with icons - Forerunner Computer Systems Adelaide provides phone solutions for businesses

What is VoIP and how can it be beneficial to you?  These days, if you are considering moving across to NBN, the National Broadband Network, or another wireless provider like NuSkope or Uniti Wireless, you’ve most likely heard of VoIP. With NBN being rolled out across Australia, especially NBN services like Fibre to the Node, […]

Android and iOS – What’s the difference?

woman excited about her smartphone

When it comes to purchasing a mobile phone and sourcing the best one for you, it’s sometimes hard to choose between the two biggest market competitors, Android and iOS! Firstly, what is Android? Android is the mobile operating system developed by Google in 2007.  If you are purchasing any mobile phone or tablet manufactured by […]

What is an SSD or Solid State Drive?

hard disk drives - Forerunner Computer Systems Adelaide

If you have looked into upgrading your computer, no matter the age, you’ve probably heard about the brilliant “SSD” or; “Solid State Drive” and may be wondering what it is.  Well, we have this answer for you! To start off, a SSD is now recommended in place of the standard hard drive that comes with […]

How to preserve your phones battery life

phone battery status

Since we rely on our mobiles so much these days, it’s never enjoyable running out of battery during a busy day. There are many things you can do these days to preserve battery life, no matter what phone you are using. A couple of the main ones are as follows: 1) The first thing to […]

Best Gadget & Tech Gifts Ideas for Christmas 2015!

2015 gift ideas - Forerunner Computer Systems Adelaide sells a wide range of computer accessories

Trying to find the perfect gift for someone that just seems impossible this Christmas? We have searched high and low to find great gift ideas and here are a few of our favourite gadgets and tech items that would make perfect gifts for any tech lover! IRISPen Air 7 The IRISPen Air 7 is a full-featured text […]